The Top 10 Most Essential Time Saving Tools for Web Developers


Bruce Lee once said, “Use best that which matches, and take it from any vicinity you can find it.” Those are very effective phrases. Being a large Bruce Lee fan, I took those phrases very significantly after I first heard them. At first, I took it to examine how you have to be a sponge for new understanding. As time went on and I have had to be more green, I even have found it out additionally the way you don’t need to waste some time re-inventing the wheel. Or worse, give up due to the fact you do not think you cannot do it.

Web Developers

Anyways, now that you have read approximately Bruce Lee on Wikipedia and realize how proper he turned into right, here are my top 10 most crucial gear for an internet developer based totally on my own actual proper existence experience. These might not be the good or maximum horny; we will get to that during any other article. This one is all about the necessities.

1. GIMP / Photoshop CS5

Boring, I recognize. However, it’s miles essential, is not it? Yes, it’s miles. It would help if you had a picture editor handy in case you are a web developer, fashion designer, or basically absolutely everyone in recent times. I use Photoshop, but for you looking for a free opportunity, GIMP is unfastened and open supply. I spend quite a chunk of time regrettably every day in Photoshop. Quick tip – document movements to keep time.

2. Google Chrome

Really? An internet browser is critical for improvement? Yes, it’s far and greater than you will ever know. I stopped using Firefox because it crashes an excessive amount, and I ultimately figured out a way to make Chrome Bookmarks work as I want them to. Use Google Chrome for the element inspector. It is way better than Firebug, in my opinion. It has all specific features, including CSS, HTML detail inspector, aid charts, and overall performance testing. Most of the time, I use it to look into CSS patterns and see how oldsters are doing what they do!

3. Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

If you are becoming bored, you have to skip to the top five. Dreamweaver needs to be #1 sincerely, but I took the listing of 10 and picked my non-public favorites. For those who won’t understand, Dreamweaver is an FTP patron to upload and download files from net servers, control a couple of web page configurations, and edit code. CS5 does a lot higher task assisting the cutting-edge version of CSS and will debug your code as you kind javascript, HTML, CSS, or PHP. I’m certain there are lots of different cool features, just like the spry framework. However, I don’t virtually use that anymore.

4) netrenderer

I use net render for one cause undeniable and easy: testing websites in IE6 and IE7. I actually have all the other browsers loaded to my pc, so I don’t really need a whole answer. I am pretty assured with how I code, so I recognize which things will smash in IE6 (obvious PNGs being my #1 pet peeve). So virtually, I use this essential, fast device to look what my site looks like if in crappy Internet Explorer 6. On a facet, be aware many agencies, even fortune 30 agencies, are still using IE6. So thank God you now not in a corporate development shop.

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5) StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon is a web utility for sharing cool websites. It is high-quality embodied and used by me as a Firefox extension. To get commenced, get a loose account and set up your options as an internet developer or clothier (and maybe stick some funny videos on your options too – for destroying time handiest, children!). Anyways when you get this up and jogging surely click ‘Stumble!’ on your toolbar, and you may be magically whisked away to numerous websites that have been ‘liked’ using others. Think that is a waste of time, and you already have a restrained area because you’re the usage of scrumptious? Think once more! StumbleUpon has been around for some years now if no longer extra, and I actually have located greater cool random stuff on there than I ever would have using Digg, DevZone, or Delicious. The detail of randomness provides a freshness to it that receives you barely extra excited and inclined to read/skim thru whatever page it sends you to.

Web Developers

6) BluePrint CSS

Even though I do not definitely use BluePrint CSS, that is an awful lot anymore (examine #1, and you will see why), I suppose it’s been one of the unmarried maximum vital tools I actually have ever used. Blueprint CSS is an easy, clean to implement CSS Framework. Even if you do not use it as a whole answer, it has a first-rate reference guide, which I often use to troubleshoot issues with my CSS, look for first-class practices, or definitely grab a chunk of CSS code and use it (I endorse the use of their. Blunders and. Success classes for offering user remarks). You see it all over the area.

The single first-class reason why you must position BluePrint within the top shelf of your toolbox is to understand the significance of being considerate approximately format and typography. You know how on occasion, you go to a website and think a guy, this seems splendid, why do my fonts now not look like that? What font are they using? Well, for one, they’re possibly using similar if now not the equal fonts as you; however, it’s for the man or woman spacing, line top, and font length relationships among factors that they’ve optimized for viewing. Study BluePrint CSS, if now not for the aforementioned; however, due to the fact, man, it’s #5 on the list!!!

7) Webappers

All I can say is a Great Website. I discovered it as soon as on StumbleUpon (#6 on this listing) and possibly moved there every few days and also have an RSS feed I take a look at on my iGoogle web page. This website has a ton of content and is separated into components, layout, and extras. I would say that if you’re looking for something from icons, color schemes, charting techniques, image galleries, video embedding techniques – that is a first-rate website online to use.

8) SimpleScripts

Another tool I hope you have got used to. SimpleScripts is like Fantastico. However, manner better, greater superior, and I agree with has more software program alternatives. It is used as a feature to maximum website hosting providers in the administration panel for customers to manage their installations of third-birthday party software programs like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. Two major motives for this are the maximum crucial device because it automates the setup process. Still, also it manages and monitors updates so that you don’t turn out to be with a domain. This is uncovered to hackers who will set up a phishing web page. Content Management Systems are clean targets if they are now not up to date timely.

9) JQuery Tools

I cannot even begin to mention how plenty I love JQuery Tools. Nicknamed “The lacking UI for the internet,” JQuery is my solution for form validation, tooltips, image transitions, and horizontal sliders. The code is perfect, and it typically works in each browser. They are the same guys who added us flowplayer (see #four). I used to apply lightbox, but now I use Overlay, a vital tool for supplying remarks to a person or showing a pleasing popup form without commencing a brand new window. The other wonderful aspect is that there may be a pleasing consumer network and a bare vital example for every tool to get you started out and up and running fast.

Web Developers

10) Artisteer

Sure, Artisteer actually costs cash. But it certainly is really worth it. You design XHTML / CSS compliant net sites via a GUI without writing any code. But the real kicker is that you could export the result as a WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal template. Missing hyperlink, everybody? I had continually wanted to create custom-designed topics, so I should, without a doubt, be efficient enough to make an internet site with a CMS as its backend without just using a template that is already available.

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Harlan J. Whelan
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