How to Delete a Theme from Your WordPress Site


The simplest way to remove a theme is to delete it from the theme directory. If you use a different CMS, such as Joomla or Drupal, there will be instructions for removing a theme in the documentation.

When you install a theme on WordPress, you can delete it later. But what if you’ve already installed it? Can you remove it from your site? If you’re wondering about these questions, you must read this article.

Many people choose WordPress because they love its simplicity and ease of use. But sometimes, you might find yourself stuck with a theme that doesn’t work however you want. we’ll walk you through how to remove a piece from your site.

If you’ve ever tried to change a theme, you know how frustrating it can be. If you can’t get it to look like you want it to, you might need to try the following steps.

Delete a Theme

Login to Your WordPress Dashboard

There are two ways of deleting a theme from your site. You can log in to your WordPress dashboard and delete it there, or you can contact the theme’s developer and ask them to delete it for you.

Navigate to Appearance, Then Themes

To get started, navigate to your Appearance page, and click Themes. On the left, you should see a list of all your installed themes. To delete an article, click on it and click on Remove. Confirm the action by clicking on Delete Theme.

Choose the Theme You Want to Delete

You’ve got several options for themes, and choosing the right one is critical to the success of your site. While you can get articles for free, many are available at very low cost and have plenty of features.

There are also paid themes, but these can be expensive. There are so many themes out there that it’s easy to become overwhelmed, so let’s break down the options for you.

First, look for a theme that works well with your content.

A photography-based theme might be perfect for you if you’re a photographer.

But if you’re looking for a theme that looks good on a wedding website, you might want to go for a wedding theme.

Finally, it would help if you looked for a theme that’s easy to customize. You can learn how to do this easily if you’re a developer.

However, if you’re not a developer, you can hire one or pay for a premium theme with a built-in development environment.

Either way, you’ll be able to customize your theme and get exactly the look you want.

Click on Theme Details

Mental health has become a national conversation in recent years, especially in the United States. The American Psychological Association (APA) estimates that only 25% of the population suffers from mental illness, yet we’re spending $213 billion annually on healthcare and $190 billion on mental health.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, mental health issues cost the United States an estimated $193 billion annually. Mental health affects everyone, so the best way to combat mental health issues is by educating people about the causes and symptoms of these conditions.

Click on Delete, Confirm Deletion

If you want to remove a theme from your WordPress site, you should know that you will lose some data. It’s not a clean removal, and you might end up with broken code and links. Before you start, you should back up your site and ensure you have a database backup. Once you’ve got everything covered, it’s time to remove the theme.

First, click on your site’s dashboard and then click on the Addons menu. From here, click on Themes.

Click on the name of the theme that you want to delete. You should see an option to Uninstall.

Click on Uninstall and then Confirm.

That’s it! You’re done.

You can now delete the theme.

Frequently Asked Questions Delete a Theme

Q: Can I use my existing theme with a new article?

A: Yes. Most themes will allow you to import and replace the theme files with the new music. You can also use a 3rd party theme manager such as WP-PageNavi to make this easier.

Q: How do I change the layout of my site?

A: There are many ways to change the layout of your site. You can use plugins like Avada, Elegant Themes, Divi, and Enfold or a website builder like Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, etc.

Q: How do I add more than one page to my site?

A: WordPress allows you to add pages to your site. Go to your WordPress dashboard and click on Pages. This will allow you to add the pages you want.

Q: How do I create more than one page?

A: With WordPress, you can create more than one page. Click on Add New. This will allow you to make the pages you want.

Q: How can I customize my site?

A: To customize your site, you can use a content management system like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc., or a website builder like Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, etc.

Q: How do I change the header of my site?

A: If you have a custom header, go to Appearance > Header and make the changes. If you don’t have a custom header, there are other ways to change the title of your site. You can use plugins like Avada, Divi, Enfold, etc.

Top Myths About Delete a Theme

  1. You can’t delete a theme if it is not installed on your WordPress site.
  2. You can’t delete a theme that has posts, pages, or comments associated with it.
  3. You can’t delete a theme if it is not installed on your WordPress site.


First, log in to your WordPress dashboard. Then, go to Appearance > Themes. Scroll down until you see the theme you want to delete. Then click on the trash icon next to it. You’ll get a prompt to confirm after you click on the trash icon. You’ll need to enter a reason for deleting the theme. After that, it’s just a matter of waiting a few minutes. And that’s it. Now you can safely remove the music from your site.

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