Children find science and biology truly fascinating. Sharing some interesting facts about your children’s teeth can spark their interest in proper oral hygiene and help them maintain good oral health even when they become adults. There are plenty of teeth facts for children that deal with the structure and development of one’s teeth and mouth and their important role in our bodies. Because the mouth is the gateway to our body’s overall health, parents and guardians need to teach their children why proper dental care is essential even when they’re still young.
Fun Facts About Your Teeth
The tooth enamel is known as the hardest bone and the strongest substance inside the human body. Because of its immense durability, keeping it as healthy as possible means protecting the teeth from millions of oral bacteria that cause cavities and other dental problems. Now you know why the human teeth actually last forever.
Unlike the human bones and other parts of our body, the teeth cannot repair themselves after getting damaged. That’s why it’s essential to receive treatments as fast as possible to avoid further problems. Getting fillings and other dental work types is necessary to keep the teeth in excellent condition even as years pass.
It’s highly possible that children in prehistoric times did not have to deal with dental problems such as tooth decay. According to the American Dental Association, sugar was not included in children’s diets back in the day. These days, however, children are more exposed to unhealthy eating options. That’s why parents and guardians must monitor their children’s food intake to ensure a healthy mouth.
A child has 20 baby teeth, while adults have 32 permanent teeth. The teeth are so fascinating that they start to grow within the gums even before birth. And because a newborn baby has teeth in their gums, a pediatric dentist in Utah County recommends cleaning a baby’s mouth using a clean washcloth after every meal. Even if you don’t see their teeth from the outside, they still need to be constantly cleaned, especially after the first tooth appears, usually when a child is about six months old. Get a fluoride toothpaste and apply a small amount (about the rice grain size) on their gums.
The mouth contains more bacteria than the entire population of the planet. While that may sound terrifying, it doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to prevent oral damage. Just make sure to brush and floss the teeth regularly to prevent the development of acids that cause decay.
Just like the fingerprints, the teeth inside our mouths are also unique. There are no two individuals that share the same teeth structure, not even twins.
While poor dental hygiene is known to cause tooth decay, it is actually classified as an infectious disease. This is because the specific strain of bacteria that causes this problem can actually be passed between several people. That’s why if you’re always around your babies, make sure you’re also practicing proper oral hygiene.