How to Make Money Writing Books – The Internet Publishing Revolution


We live in a world of quiet revolutions. Only some years in the past, the idea of a flat-display screen TV became considered in the realm of Star Trek. Today you can’t purchase a conventional cathode ray TV. That’s simply one example. This report is about a similarly quiet revolution that has massive repercussions for the publishing industry and famous how everyday humans – some no longer even writers inside the word’s conventional experience – can propel themselves into a brand new global of prosperity. And I will display to you how one person used this to create six parents earning from publishing (trust it or no longer), a 9 web page file.

A survey posted with the aid of Readers Digest some five years in the past discovered that seventy-two% of humans felt they ‘had an ebook inside them,’ and the huge fulfillment of J. K. Rowling (actual call, Joanne Murray) has induced many to attempt their hand at writing for income. In many approaches, this is reflected by using the song industry. Every day lots, if now not hundreds of thousands of younger hopefuls write and perform songs they wish will sooner or later be a massive hit, and the way to a quiet however fantastic revolution in the music enterprise, greater of those new songs are a success than ever before in history. Seeing how the Internet Publishing Revolution will affect you allows me to display you how its equal has already affected the track enterprise. For over a hundred years, the Producers dominated the tuning industry. These businesses had been household names – EMI, Columbia Records, HMV, Decca, Virgin, CBS, BMG to call however some, and the simplest chance of achieving any aspiring songwriter had lain in getting observed through a file manufacturer who could take delivery of and sell their paintings.

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And for most of that hundred years, tune production became mechanical – vinyl data accompanied by means of cassettes and CDs. Then the pressure of an Internet revolution hit the music industry full in the face. First, the MP3 record changed into invented by the German company Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. In 1997, Tomislav Uzelac of AMP turned into the first to combine participant-software into Windows and in 1999 a corporation calledSubPopbecame the first to distribute music tracks in an MP3 layout. (Info courtesy of About.Com – inventors.)

Music had all at once long gone virtual.

The actual leap forward got here in October 2001 when Apple launched the iPod, a cultured DAP (Digital Audio Player). DAPs were invented with the aid of the British inventor Kane Kramer. Other DAPs had preceded the iPod, however, Apple has long been related to design excellence, now not to say that indefinable excellent called ‘cool’. The iPod took off. What did those traits do to the conventional music industry, especially music shops? It decimated it almost in a single day. Sales of conventional CDs have collapsed global and what’s left are offered on internet web sites. The traditional local track shop has both long gone absolutely or diversified into gaming and add-ons. On 7th January 2011, the Guardian newspaper wrote:

“In many US towns it is tough to discover a record store. The ultimate US HMV closed five years in the past, Tower Records stopped buying and selling quickly after, and the final Virgin Megastore finally closed its doorways 18 months in the past. You may additionally discover a CD phase in client electronic stores which includes Best Buy or at Walmart, but the choice would not stray a long way beyond the top forty.” And but, this massive sea exchange, even as hammering manufacturers and outlets, launched an avalanche of latest talent who should now record and produce their personal song in their personal bedrooms the usage of little greater than a very good microphone and a PC. The huge energy of social networking on the Internet using Facebook, Twitter and YouTube can now propel new skills (or the lack of it!) into the public eye without the need to move closer to a producer. At the height of the enterprise’s crisis, well-known rock bands and individuals really forced labels to renegotiate their contracts.

“Musicians can self-publish if they prefer, selling their very own tunes off their personal websites. This has intended that top performers make fantastic sums – some distance more than their counterparts in 1969. The Carpenters used to need to beg for money for a brand new car, while their albums bought millions. Now, because theycano guarantee the large audiences, all that money the label used to take, the musicians get. So tens of millions flow their manner. If you have got any doubt, examine the private jets and helicopters owned and flown by the lead drummer for Pink Floyd. Or about any rapper on overdue night time MTV. It could make a corporate CEO green with envy.” (Adam Hartung – thephoenixprinciple.Com)

This is what the Internet tune revolution did: It moved maximum of the profits far from a small number of report manufacturers at once into the hands of musicians. Now allow’s looks at publishing because what took place in the music enterprise is being repeated there. Let’s begin with the generation first – the written equivalent of the MP3 record and DAP participant.

In 1473 Thomas Caxton printed the English language’s primary ebook using the modern new printing press. With regard to the production of books, newspapers, and magazines, very little has modified. It’s an extremely un-green industry. Lip provider is paid to using sustainable forestry but even supposing that had been totally genuine, the method is extremely invasive, akin to ripping the coronary heart out of mom earth and watching for it to re-develop. Many of the chemical compounds and bleaches used are less than fine and till lately, the carbon powder used for the manufacturing of inks seemed as a toxic carcinogen. Something has got to exchange.

Ironically, readers of books are often humans with the sense of right and wrong and have a highbrow leaning to being a type of the environment. I say satirically because some of them are much less than impressed with the idea of getting rid of conventional books in favor of the publishing model of the iPod – the eBook Reader. When the iPod first came out, its slogan changed into, ‘a thousand tunes on your pocket.’ I can not believe how many CDs it might take to update the songs at the common iPod but I am organized to guess that the total cost to the environment of making the ones physical CDs is vastly a couple of iPod.

The eBook reader (eReader) is the book lover’s equivalent of the music lover’s iPod. ‘one thousand books to your pocket.’ The equivalent of the MP3 report is certainly Adobe’s PDF (Portable Document File). Every laptop has Adobe’s PDF Reader set up due to the fact nearly every computer application now has its guide reproduced in this format. Why? Because it’s a heck of loads less expensive to paste a two hundred-page manual onto a CD than it’s miles to tear down and process half of a woodland. To be truthful to folks that nonetheless decide upon paper books, there are more than a few of things approximately readers that aren’t as true as published cloth.

First, the technology at the back of leaders continues to be being evolved. E-Ink displays nonetheless lack evaluation and, just like the first Ford car, you may have any shade you want as lengthy because it’s black. Color monitors improve until you select on an iPadthath doubles as an eBook reader even though it is still a computer at coronary heart. The day of an eBook reader is as proper because the revealed version is not some distance off. It may but be that the iPad becomes the new leader of popular desire or that Amazon’s Kindle will take the flag. We shall see.

Another annoyance is DRM or Digital Rights Management. Quite understandably, that is to prevent humans document sharing and breaching copyright. It continues to be a primary hassle with track downloads and DVDs. The hassle is that it appears each leader producer has their very own system, concerning downloading software for your laptop and infinite messing approximately with their restricted ebook titles and no longer being capable of download a person else’s. Forests will fall till someone makes it simple to simply buy an eBook online.

Nevertheless, the writing is on the wall for paper publishing. Newspapers like The Times are happening-line and require subscriptions to see the state-of-the-art news. More and greater books have virtual variations. And to be perfectly frank, if it wasn’t for the sheer size of the entire printing enterprise, any 1/2-green government could place a right away quota, and tax, on whatever so damaging to the environment. If truth the other holds real for eBooks, which might be critically inexperienced and yet are all taxed at the whole charge of Vat. Although the iPod’s e-reader equivalent remains in the making, the digital ebook’s day is firmly right here and will only boom while conventional bookshops are ultimate down at a fee of two per week.

The electricity of records publishing

While this sounds ominous from the factor of view of traditional booksellers and publishers, nothing could be further from the fact on the subject of authors, or what I decide on to call, ‘creators of written virtual products.’ Like the musicians inside the iPod revolution, the electricity (and the cash) has moved faraway from the huge ebook homes into the ranks of the writers. And within the equal way that one, fairly quick pop single can change the fortunes of a new musician almost overnight, so can a small written equal exchange the fortune of even the maximum elementary of writers, in the event that they know what to do.

Beethoven and Wagner’s days, composers failed to write -minute hit singles; they wrote symphonies – the musical equivalent of a massive novel. Today, only a few musicians compose lengthy works. They compose singles. Singles are brief to create and are famous. They may go on to supply an album however this could continually be a compilation of singles. Gone are the tremendous symphony composers of antique. Modern music is short, often short-lived but also very profitable.

This distinction isn’t always so clean in publishing. Today, if I say I am a creator, the idea is that I write novels. Not so. I am an information publisher, and this is approximately as far from novel writing as Wagner’s Die Walküre is from Turn My Swag On by way of Alexa Goddard. It should also is said that the cutting-edge musician’s industrial mindset is far more superior than that of the contemporary creator. Most writers might rival Thomas Caxton for nevertheless being in the darkish a long time.

The contemporary tune creator could be very commercially minded, very savvy approximately the fact that tune makes money, and takes pains to put in writing tune this is in demand. By evaluation the average aspiring writer hasn’t a clue about what is promoting. They write the ebook they want to write down after which spend years trying to find a person to put up it. Sometimes they strike fortunate. Most times not. A creator with a piece of business nous might at the least examine the New York Times Best Seller listing and create something within the identical genre. But that could nevertheless be incorrect unless you want to lock yourself away for three years. Terrestrial e book writing continues to be about writing current symphonies, not pop songs. To make money publishing on the Internet we need to have a look at the written equivalent of pop.

The cutting-edge and soon to achieve success music author not send a personal recording of his new hit single to a track manufacturer in the hope of catching his ear. There is a new process. It is this: First, he or she can have the economic feel to observe the kind of tune that is most popular and prepare all the synthesizers and gizmos necessary to create a contemporary. The days of 3 guys with acoustic guitars and a drum set looking to replica The Shadows are lengthy gone. Next, they’ll create their music. It could be short, sweet and as particularly polished as they can make it.

Next, they’ll have their own internet site. It will look smart and additionally include plenty of unfastened ‘songlets’ with a video of them making a song their modern day introduction. Their video, also home made, can nonetheless look professional the use of cutting-edge, inexpensive video editing software program.


Next, they may use the strength of the Internet to sell their work. To try this they will do an aggregate of things – viral advertising and joint ventures. No longer do they need to kowtow to track manufacturers. In the old days getting exposure become highly steeply-priced. Today every body may have their 15 minutes of reputation without a doubt via doing some thing dumb on YouTube. Viral advertising and marketing (one person telling two others who each tell two others and so forth) do the relaxation. Today, modern songwriters have grown to be self-publishers, which is arguably the simplest location wherein publishing is beforehand of the tune sport.

Self-publishers are individuals who write and submit their personal work. It’s no longer new. Mark Twain self-posted some of his very own works. So did William Blake, Stephen King, Rudyard Kipling, Lord Byron, E.E. Cummings, Alexander Dumas, T.S. Eliot, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Hardy, Ernest Hemingway, D.H. Lawrence, Edgar Allen Poe, Alexander Pope, Beatrix Potter, Ezra Pound, Marcel Proust, George Bernard Shaw, Shelley, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Thoreau, Leo Tolstoi, Walt Whitman, and Virginia Woolf. So if you make a decision to self-put up you may be in a proper organization. The question is what have to you write?

The truth is that the Internet publishing revolution is about to grow to be a brand new phenomenon for self-publishers. It truly has little to do with leaders and so on. It’s a far larger recreation that maximum websites have not pretty grasped, traditional writers have not grasped at all, and the average individual thinks they can’t do because they do not suppose they may be writers. But it is exactly the factor. Writers do now not succeed on the Internet. The common individual makes money because they’re no longer loaded down with all the baggage that writers have approximately their artwork. It’s not writers who make cash on the Internet, it is product builders, specially – ‘creators of written digital products’ otherwise known as eBook/report writers.

Let me display you how to make money on the Internet, nearly overnight, and then come up with an instance. Please examine this cautiously as it’s pure gold. Most humans haven’t any concept how large a few websites are on the Internet. It’s tough to tell unless they inform you. In 2003 I noticed an internet site called eDiets.Com and on its pages, it cited it had nearly 14 million subscribers to its bi-weekly online publication. That supposed that two times per week, this internet site sent an email to 14 million humans.

Now suppose the owner of this mega-web site phoned me up and said, “Hey, Phil toddler. How’s it hangin'”, or something like that and requested me to prepare a ‘unique’ record, no longer plenty longer than this one, about the weight-reduction plan – say – Top Ten Dieting Secrets. He recommended I positioned it collectively with a one-web page website. But he wasn’t going to pay me for this, as a minimum no longer directly. What he could do is propose and publicize my file to fourteen million humans in his subsequent publication. I should rate what I liked for the record and he might take 60% of sales. Is this a good deal?

Let’s work it out. Suppose I charged best ten greenbacks and he’s going to propose it to fourteen million folks who already concentrate to what he writes so I don’t need to do any advertising and marketing. Let’s anticipate most effective 1% (140,000) buy the book. That’s total income of one, four hundred,000 greenbacks of which I hold forty% that’s just over half of 1,000,000 bucks. Half a million greenbacks for a 12 web page eBook? Does this sound like a good deal? I suppose so.

Of direction, I did say that Hiram E. Cattlerustler Jnr. Phoned me up to make this offer and that is now not going to show up. But what we are able to do is prepare the venture and positioned the deal to him, after all, it is well worth 840,000 greenbacks to him alone and all he has to do is ship out an e mail that he became going to send out besides. It’s a no brainer and no longer horrific for a day’s work. Okay, that is a top of the range instance and the potential is surely higher than this. I could, in my opinion, do not forget a 1% response to be very negative. My common is 20% however on smaller web sites. It’s still appropriate money though. And the variety of web sites is limitless.

The Internet publishing revolution is this new electricity to behave facts company to tens of millions of humans at without a doubt no price the use of existing websites as bookshops. It’s less complicated than writing song and requires very little investment. There is no stock, no printing, no hazard and a whole win-win scenario for each person involved. To deliver human beings a clue about capacity I often cite this tale. Several years in the past I were given a kidney stone. A short search on Dr. Internet revealed a guy supplying a home grown way to certain styles of kidney stones. Basically he turned into promoting a easy record giving his plan with a complete refund assure. I cautiously examined the web page and made inquiries with numerous knowledgeable American pals who are ‘inside the recognise’. Estimates of profits vary, however my personal view, having had a few achievements myself, is that Kidney Stone Man made himself a minimum one hundred grand.

When I downloaded his e-book it become only 9 pages lengthy. Did this be counted? No. His answer changed into sound and I haven’t any lawsuits. My first book changed into launched in 2004 at a rate of almost $20. It’s not an amazing instance of a simple first attempt as it turned into a real ebook, and consequently pretty targeted. Nevertheless, I used precisely the identical advertising and marketing strategies used by new musicians and the end result to this point is at the least 100,000 downloads despite that truth I have rarely performed any promoting beyond the primary week of release. I nonetheless receive cheques each week.

A pal of mine in Manchester these days made himself over £30,000 in much less than seven weeks doing this. The new strength of Internet publishing – the reality that tens of millions of web sites can now act as bookstores – might be one of the effective entrepreneurial actions because the World Wide Web became invented. The virtual track revolution has lead the manner, however the capability of virtual books is marvelous. I agree with that by no means before in records has it emerge as less difficult for the common man or woman to reap incomes on a par with primary executives of big businesses. Never earlier than has fame and riches been so easy to acquire. That’s if you want reputation, of route. Unlike music in which you have to perform, you could write eBooks pretty anonymously. You can end up the least acknowledged, most successful author on the town. And you do not even must be writer!

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Harlan J. Whelan
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